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What Ofsted said:

This provision is outstanding


  • The childminder is highly skilled in her teaching methods. She engages children in a very natural way and understands their play, enabling her to use their curiosity to challenge them, so that they are constantly learning new things about the world around them. As a result, children are tremendously enthusiastic in their play and learning and make rapid progress while in her care.


  • The childminder has established first-class ways to observe and precisely assess children's development and identify their next steps in learning. Consequently, the childminder accurately assesses each child's stage of development and is able to promptly identify any gaps in their learning.


  • Children's needs are outstandingly well met through highly effective partnerships between parents, school and outside agencies. Parents appreciate greatly the many varied ways in which she involves them in children's learning and development. As a result, there is a true and deep joint approach towards children's learning and welfare.


  • Children are extremely happy and animated as they play alongside each other and the childminder in this exciting and superbly resourced environment. All children explore and investigate outdoors with enthusiasm and excitement, helping them to develop new skills and supporting their well-being and enjoyment very effectively.


  • The childminder has a robust understanding of how to effectively promote children's safety and well-being. Detailed risk assessments and good practices ensure that her home is safe and secure. Her expert knowledge and understanding of safeguarding practice is underpinned with comprehensive policies and procedures. Consequently, children are effectively safeguarded.

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